Would You Rather Tag Questions

Would You Rather Tag Questions :
1.Would you rather read minds or know the future?
2. Would you rather have 1 wish granted today or 3 wishes granted 10 years from now?
3.Would you rather find true love or have 10 million dollars?
4. Would you rather be able to fly or to stop time?
5. Would you rather be covered in poison ivy or bee stings?
6. Would you rather be a lonely leprechaun or a haunted unicorn?
7.Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didnt commit or never interact with people again?
8.Would you rather have a dragon or be a dragon?
9. Would you rather never be able to speak again or always have to say everything that is on your mind?
10. Would you rather wear a push up bra all day everyday or stiletto heels all day everyday?
11. Would you rather get a poor bikini wax job or have an entire eyebrow accidentally waxed off?
12. Would you rather never laugh again or never use your smartphone again?

Want to see my answers to these questions check out my Youtube video.


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